AnnoTEP is a platform for annotating Transposable Elements in Plants. By using an input file in FASTA format containing the plant genome on a chromosomal scale or contig/scaffold scale, it is possible to obtain:

Annotation of all Class I and Class II elements.
Data visualization in graphic format and phylogenetic trees.
A link with the results is sent
directly to your email.
Pre-computed Annotation Examples: Click here

Data input

Web annotation functions are not available, but you can download the tool by going to the side menu and clicking on the “Download” section. For more information, go to “Help > Installing your Local Web Server”.

Email Adress

Genome data


TE Annotation Levels

To ensure an efficient installation, we want to inform you that you need to have Docker installed on your local machine.

The Annotep platform has two local versions, the user-interface version and the version that works only via the machine's command terminal.

Graphic Interface

It has a similar interface to the web platform, but the difference lies in the delivery of the results, here they are saved in a local directory. In addition, this version relies on the internet to report the start and end of the annotation, or errors, via email.

Installation guide
  1. Download the latest annotep image
  2. docker pull annotep/graphic-interface:v1
  3. Run the following command
  4. docker run -it -v {folder-results}:/root/TEs/www/results -dp annotep/graphic-interface:v1
  5. Example
  6. docker run -it -v $HOME/results-annotep:/root/TEs/www/results -dp annotep/graphic-interface:v1

To access the platform, open a browser and type in the address:

Bash interface

The focus of this version is direct use in the machine's command terminal without the need for an interface. It does not use the internet to run. In this version, the user must pay attention to the end of the annotation.

Installation guide
  1. Download the latest annotep image
  2. docker pull annotep/bash-interface:v1
  3. Use the -h parameter to display a user guide describing how to use the script
  4. docker run annotep/bash-interface:v1 python -h
  5. Run the container using the command below as a guide.
    • We recommend creating a folder to insert your genomic data in FASTA format.

    • Make sure you provide the full path to the folder where you want to save the results {folder-results} , as well as the full path to the genomes folder {folder-genomes/genome.fasta} :

    docker run -it -v {folder-results}:/root/TEs/results -v $HOME/TEs:{folder-genomes} annotep/bash-interface:v1 python --file {folder-genomes/genome.fasta} --type {type-annotation} --threads {optional}
  6. Examples
  7. Annotation SINE or LINE

    docker run -it -v $HOME/results-annotep:/root/TEs/results -v $HOME/TEs:$HOME/TEs annotep/bash-interface:v1 python --file $HOME/TEs/AtChr4.fasta --type 2

    Annotation Complete

    docker run -it -v $HOME/results-annotep:/root/TEs/results -v $HOME/TEs:$HOME/TEs annotep/bash-interface:v1 python --file $HOME/TEs/AtChr4.fasta --type 4 --threads 12

Preprocessed Genomes

AnnoTEP documentation - Annotation Transposable Elements for Plants

Welcome to the AnnoTEP documentation.

The AnnoTEP framework was developed to facilitate the annotation of transposable elements in plant genomes and to provide essential support to the scientific community involved in research centered on these elements.

Table of contents

Intalling your Local Web Server

The AnnoTEP tool can be installed and run locally using containers, providing two distinct interfaces to cater to different types of users: Container Graphical Interface and Container Bash Interface

System requirements

Minimum requirements for both versions for Genomes up to 1GB

More resources are recommended for larger genomes.

Container Graphical Interface

For this version, your machine must have Internet access.

This version can be installed via Docker, as shown in the download section. It has a graphical interface and functions similar to the web server model, with the difference that it works entirely on the user's machine via localhost.

There is no limit to the size of the genome, and the annotation speed will depend on the capacity of your local machine or server. Here you can enter the number of threads you want to use for the complete annotation. Although it works on the local machine, this model integrates an e-mail system that will notify you when the annotation is finished. Also, avoid shutting down the machine during the process, as this can interrupt data analysis.

About annotation and results, you will find in the subtopic Annotation levels and results.

Container Bash Interface

This version works entirely via the command line and does not require Internet access. Like the version with a graphical interface, it has no genome size limit, and the annotation speed will depend on the capacity of the local machine or server. It can be a little more complex to use than the version with a graphical interface.

Your data is entered using predefined parameters. All you have to do is enter the path of the genome on your machine, the type of annotation, and depending on the type of annotation, you can enter the number of threads you want to use. All these steps are described in the download section.

About annotation and results, you will find in the subtopic Annotation levels and results.

Annotation levels and results

  • Selecting SINE Annotation: This option exclusively analyzes the SINE elements present in the plant genome, generating data in .fa format and superimposed images of the element. In containerized versions, the result of this annotation is stored in the SINE folder.

  • Selecting LINE Annotation: This option exclusively analyzes the LINE elements present in the plant genome, generating libraries containing LINE sequences in .fa and .gff3 formats. In containerized versions, the result of this annotation is stored in the LINE folder. This option can generate some false positives, making it necessary to carry out the complete annotation to obtain more accurate data.

  • Selecting SINE and LINE Annotation (Together): Brings the same data generated by their unit versions.

  • Selecting Complete Annotation: This option performs an exhaustive analysis of various types of transposable elements, including SINEs, LINEs, LTR, TIR and Helitrons (based on REXdb Viridiplantae v3.0 and and GyDB nomenclature as proposed by Orozco-Arias et al., 2019). The SINEs and LINEs data generated here is more refined than in the individual versions. In addition, the result generated by this annotation provides data on the TRIM, LARD, TR_GAG, BARE-2, MITES elements, as well as the Gypsy and Copia families and respective evolutionary lineages. The analysis also generates graphs and phylogenetic trees of the RT-LTRs, offering a comprehensive and detailed view of the transposable elements present in the genome studied. In addition, this annotation step masks the genome, helping to identify and suppress repetitive regions, which facilitates subsequent analysis and annotation of the genome.

For more information, visit the tool's repository: Github.

Tools used

Tools used to build AnnoTEP

The AnnoTEP platform was developed to expand the range of tools available for annotating transposable elements (TEs) in plant genomes. Our main goal is to simplify and optimize the work of researchers, regardless of their level of experience, by facilitating the TE annotation process and providing as much information as possible about the genome.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas
Universidade Federal do Pará
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Laboratório de Bioinformatica e Computação de Alto desempenho
Contact us with any questions or to report a bug in the platform (web or container)



