Genome Browser (instructions)

Genome Annotation (high-quality genes)

Annotation Features and Functional Results


Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments Web Portal.  Summary report of the annotation (EVidence Modeler).



Pre-computed plantiSMASH providing the annotation and analysis of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters.


Functional Annotation

Functional Annotation Plots: 
EC numbers, GOs, Transposable elements and others


Dowload genomic and annotation data

Genome Sequence (fasta) | ptDNA (gbk) | mtDNA (gbk
Annotation (gene models and functional annotation) (gff3 file)
Genes (fasta) | Proteins (fasta) | CDS (fasta)
Transposable Elements Annotation (gff3 file) | (FASTA)
PASA Assemblies (gff3) | (fasta)
RNAseq aligned data (bam)

The data is also avaliable at GenBank

Genome Browser Content and Instructions

jBrowser2 is a platform for visualizing genomic data. The  A. Sellowiana  genome browser contains the following tracks:  a) the gene models accompanied by annotation integrated in InterProScan visualization of each coding region; b) Transposable Elements and Repeats Annotation; c) PASA assemblies; d) tRNA and rRNA annotation and e) Aligned  RNAseq data, and other annotation features.
Use the "open track selector" to navigate into the different and avaliable tracks.


Herrania umbratica is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae (as currently recognized).[1] It is found only in Colombia. (see more on wikipedia ).

Genome Facts

- Genome Size: 249,829,655 bp;
- Number of chromosomes: 621 scaffolds  (22Mb longest - N50 of  13Mb, L50 of 8 scaffolds)
- Number of genes:  27,905 (​50,156 CDS);
- Gene vs. TEs content:  40.7% of genome is covered by genes and 35.21% is covered by TEs.
- BUSCO score genome: C:98.3%[S:93.2%,D:5.1%],F:0.8%,M:0.9%,n:1614​ (​embryophyta_odb10).
- BUSCO score annotation: C:99.1%[S:58.0%,D:41.1%],F:0.5%,M:0.4%,n:1614 (​embryophyta_odb10)